Each day that passes in this country there are ten thousand people turning sixty five and three thousand people turning eighty five. The segment of the population over eighty five is the fastest growing demographic. The number of people over sixty five will double by 2030 from 2000 numbers. The point is that as a society we are getting older. More and more of us are being called on to be a caregiver to a loved one. The need for education and resources to help people negotiate the challenges of caregiving continues to increase. If you are a family caregiver, are anticipating becoming one, or know someone who is, there is an event being held this month which will be a great benefit to you.
The Western and Central Virginia Aging in Place Council is hosting the second annual aging in place symposium on Tuesday, October 13 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. The symposium will bring together thought leaders and service providers who are in the trenches providing services to seniors aging in place, caregivers, and their families. Since seniors who choose to age in place are responsible for their own care, it is important to assemble a care team to help provide this care in the five core areas of aging in place. These five core areas are housing, healthcare, personal finance, transportation, and community and social interaction. We will have professionals on hand to help people evaluate their needs in each of these areas and formulate a plan to meet these needs. Anyone who thinks they might find themselves aging in place or might be a caregiver to a senior aging in place should make plans to attend.
We will be featuring two discussion panels at the Symposium. The first will be a panel of physicians. If you have medical questions that you would like to get answered, please come to the symposium. The chance to ask a medical question of a physician without making an appointment and going to his or her office is a rare opportunity. In addition to the physicians’ panel we will host an aging in place panel. The panelists will be professionals who work in various industries providing services to seniors aging in place and their families as well as all types of caregivers. If you have questions about how to plan for and carry out a certain aspect of caring for an aging loved one in their home or yours or just want to learn more about what is involved so that you can care for a loved one if (and when) you need to, please plan to attend the symposium. It has been said that there are only four types of people; those who have been caregivers, those who are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver. The aging of America will affect us all. Plan on attending the second annual Aging in Place Symposium to learn how you can become part of the solution.
For more information on the Symposium, please call the Council at 540-339-7891 or visit us online at http://www.ageinplace.org/Local-Chapters/Western-and-Central-Virginia You will find information not only on the Symposium but also on the National Aging in Place Council and a host of resources that will help you or your loved one successfully age in place. As always if you have questions about how your house can be your home for a lifetime or have a topic you would like to see covered in Housing Matters please call me at 540-384-2064 or visit our website at https://age-in-place.flywheelsites.com. Thank you for reading Housing Matters!